Thursday, December 16, 2010

Muse Help: Office Redecorating

One FM reader writes:
Alright my favorite muses, I have a query for you. These are tough economic times, so instead of holiday bonuses, the CEO of my company is giving everyone $250 to spend on our office environment. We can buy anything we want that will make us happier in our workplace: misc computer software, a rug, a new chair, a new lamp, oversized map of California, whatevs. I know: perfect muse project, right?

I am much more practical than aesthetically
minded, hence why I wouldn't mind some inspiration!

On the one hand, awesome that you get to redecorate your office! On the other hand, we would probably prefer $250 in cash...but whatev.
The Muses definitely believe in being practical (except when it comes to high heels) but you can easily be practical and fill your office with beauty.

We would suggest:
  • lighting
  • art
  • organizing items
One of the Muses' Lovers is of the firm belief that overhead industrial lighting makes people anxious (the Muses don't need any help there!). He thinks that soft lighting around a room makes a world of a difference. We agree! That said - we suggest either a tall lamp to stand beside your desk or a lamp to sit on the desk. Pottery Barn has a great tutorial on picking workspace lighting.

You could go modern with something from IKEA

LjusÄs Salbo


or go vintage and grab an amaaaazing Edison lamp (so hot right now!)

Instead of just hanging a giant map of California, try honoring your home state with some cool art.

Lastly, get organized! Check out some Muse suggestion about great filing options. BUT if you have some extra bucks to spend, buy a Franklin Covey planning systems. Oh. My. Goodness. One little Muse would just die without its amazing ability to organize the 10,003 tasks that need to be done. This is not a calendar. Say it with me, "Franklin Covey is not a calendar." It is an organizing system. See basic how-tos here.


  1. Ah, I fondly remember shopping with one Muse for a red Franklin Covey...when said purchase was made, angels sang and bells rang out - there was never so much excitement and happiness.

    ;-) I am only 3/4ths was HILARIOUS. :-) Love you both!

  2. Love the edison lamps!
