Sunday, December 20, 2009

Irish Cream-Honey Steamer

As I spent my birthday weekend jaunting around San Francisco in cute sandals and a dress I couldn't help but think of my poor friends back in DC. Snowed in, desperately trying to stay warm and avoid cabin fever. I wished that they could either be sitting in front of a warm fireplace (like the one in my hotel room this weekend...did I mention Saturday was my birthday?) or that they had something to warm them from the inside out.
So I created this little drink in their honor. Hopefully many of them got to stay home from work today and can enjoy this little creation or that they can slip it into a to go coffee mug and medicate the pain of being at work.*

2009 Snowpocalypse Irish Cream-Honey Steamer
(2 servings)

1 1/2 cup milk (divided)
2 tbs. honey
3 oz. Irish cream (Bailey's is great -- but I prefer (read: can only afford) the Trader Joe's knock-off brand)
4 dashes cinnamon

Put 1 tablespoon of honey in each mug. (tip: whenever measuring sticky ingredients like corn syrup or honey, spray your measuring tool with a little cooking spray - it'll slip right out!) Then add 1 1/2 oz of Irish cream and 2 dashes of cinnamon. Heat up 1 cup of milk and divide between the two mugs. Mix well to get all the honey off the bottom of the mug.

Frothing the Milk: While we all wish we had one of these, we don't. And even if we did it would be sitting on our living room floor since urban dwellings have no counter space (sorry to our readers in Dallas who do not understand this concept). This little goddess likes to froth her milk using a beaker milk frother. Found cheapest as Sur La Table or Target. It is so simple to use and only requires 146.2455 cubic inches of space! Add your remaining 1/2 cup of milk to the beaker, give it about a 20 good pumps then throw it in the microwave for 30-60 seconds (be careful as it has a tendency to overflow). Your result will be a perfect froth that would make any barista proud.

Top your steamer off with the foam and garnish with a few droplets of honey. Enjoy, my lovely, cold friends!

kisses from sunny california

* freelance muses' legal counsel (my husband who is officially 1/9 of a lawyer) has advised that endorsing the consumption of alcohol on the job leaves us liable for any injury (including death or accidental dismemberment) that may occur as a result of our endorsement. When drinking on the job, please use caution. By utilizing our recipe, you accept that you acknowledge our warning and proceed at your own risk. We completely disclaim liability for any injury, awkward social encounters, job loss, foreseeable or otherwise, that may ensue. If you work at a job that requires you to operate heavy machinery or if you send emails to important people that must be free of spelling errors and cuss words, please do not consume alcohol on the job.


  1. Ok, this is hysterical. And it sounds good too!

  2. Happy birthday, my favorite muse!

  3. You should post the disclaimer at the beginning... Otherwise it might be procedurally unconscionable.

  4. We like the aerolatte milk frothers (much easier to wash than the french-press-like one, we found, and harder to break!)
