Monday, September 19, 2011

meatless monday: slooooow food

Meatless Monday isn't just about going without meat - it's about celebrating "slow" food, food that is grown locally, is fresh and takes time to prepare. Chances are if you don't live in California like the West Coast Muse, you relish any opportunity to score fresh, locally-grown produce on the cheap. I, the East Coast Muse, and my dear husband have recently signed up for produce box delivery through Washington's Green Grocer. A box of produce in a size our little family can handle is delivered every Thursday to our building. We get an email four days prior letting us know what's going to be in our box (perfect for meal planning), and if we're ever out of town we can cancel our box for that week. There's no contract or obligation, so if it ever gets to be too much, we have the option to cancel without charge or agitation. The variety of goodies that come in the box is tremendous, and I'm having so much fun trying vegetables I've never actually purchased or cooked before (e.g. beets - I love beets but I've never actually cooked them before! Those were fun). I find that the fruit does get to be a bit much for us, but a clever solution I've discovered is to chop it up and put it into Ziploc bags in the freezer - add milk and ice, and a smoothie can be prepared anytime and on the quick.

What about you, faithful readers? How do you celebrate "slow" food?

Now, lest you walk away disappointed at a schpeel rather than fun, know that we wouldn't be the Muses if we didn't leave you with some parting goodies. We would like to share two delectable recipes for you today: eggplant dippers with marinara (courtesy and Carrot Cake Sandwiches (from A Cozy Kitchen). Check them out and let us know what you think!

Cheers to slow, meatless cooking, baking and eating!

photo courtesy

photo courtesty

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