Friday, February 12, 2010

Say it with...Words

This love language is almost too easy. Maybe we just say that because we are words people.

Do you feel like you stumble with words? Do you choke when saying important things? The best thing you can do is write it out. This little muses’ fabulous lover doesn’t really like words. He feels like he gets tongue tied or forgets to say crucial things. So when he proposed, instead of saying a bunch of sweet things, he wrote a letter professing his love in great detail. It is one of my most cherished things from him still.

This is too simple if you are doing it for Valentine’s Day.

Write a poem
It doesn’t have to be Wordsworth; it just needs to be sincere.

Give a card
Don’t just say “I love you”. For words of affirmation people, it is key to know why you love them. Think about it; what make you love him differently than other men you know? Then write it down.

Go on a date
And while you are on said date, don’t just talk about life and what you’re up to. Take some time to tell your man the reasons you respect who he is.

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